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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I just realised that I have been neglecting my blog - this is unforgiveable but understandable I hope: I have been doing the 'Trademe' thing lately. I've been a 'buyer' for several months now but recently decided to become a 'seller'! So I've been culling my collection of paperbacks [mostly the chick lit stuff] and also attempting to get rid of a pile of old LPs we were given a while back. Don't know if we'll have much luck with the LPs - who has a turntable these days anyway - unless they are a DJ and then they probably wouldn't be into Merle Haggard, Kenny Rogers or even Bruce Springsteen. [Told you they were OLD]. It takes ages to load auctions [for me anyway] and I have been having a few late nights hunched over the keyboard sorting them out. Knowing my luck not one will sell. At least the chick lit is getting snapped up. At my prices I'm not surprised. I am a Bargain Queen!
Lockie is throwing daily tanties these days and I am determined to get him back on the straight and narrow - I watch 'Supernanny' religiously and agree with everything she says so he'd better watch out. Fraz just despairs of him sometimes but I have faith that he is a good kid underneath the shouting and tears. Kids are little for such a short time - I want to enjoy his childhood and for him to enjoy it too. And this might mean a bit of 'timeout' and lost privileges but that's not the end of the world [now I just have to convince Lockie this!]
Bella is her usual adorable self - she nods and shakes her head when I ask her questions and it is surprising how much she understands. She loves toast and Marmite and this morning at breakfast time she pointed to the toaster and told me 'toas'. She also loves to see birds flying about and she stands at the lounge window and tweets at the birds outside. Her pointing is useful too. The only troublesome new behaviour from her is when she arches her back and flings herself backwards when she is cross - usually when she is being carried. This is tricky when manoeuvring through a doorway...ouch.


Jessie said...

Yay, there you are.

Does Lockie have a "naughty spot"? I find Supernanny strangely intriguing.

Jessie said...

Oh and I'm down on trademe at the moment cos I'm still waiting for my GHD straigtening irons after three and a half weeks :(

ANNA said...

Lockie is sent to the laundry [most boring room in the house] and I set the microwave timer to beep when 5 mins is up! Often he yells at me through the door for the whole time...

ANNA said...

Yeah, Jo Frost rules, but that's bizarre about the 'V' music fest. And yes, naughty kids are deserved if the parents are slack - we are learning this the hard wasy, like most parents I guess. Still, nothing here that can't be fixed. {Lockie would say 'nothing here needs fixing!']

ANNA said...

BTW, I have sold the Merle Haggard LP [although it was broken in transit and I had to refund the buyer :( ] and the Kenny Rogers too [sorry Kenny, only $1 for you!].