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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Roll on summer days

We've had such bitterly cold weather for days lately but today we are back to tees and shorts and loving it! It's great to be able to walk to school with ease again too.

Lockie is all excited about December starting tomorrow - possibly because of his 'Hot Wheels' advent choccy calendar... and the countdown to Christmas. He's been really well-behaved lately too - he has even instigated some methods to help himself stay good! He suggested an idea for his 'star chart': "don't make Bella cry", which is working a treat, and I started a 'bad word jar' with a counter being added for each bad word he uses in a day [I'm talking idiot, meanie and stupid here - mainly aimed at ME] and it has remained empty for last couple of days. I have made him a list of things to do in the morning that I had laminated and he checks off the boxes as he does them - this is fun for him and saves me nagging him to do the next thing like brushing his teeth and putting on sunscreen. Also, and most telling I feel, we have not had to use timeout for a few days. So I am holding off on the need for a homeopath appointment.

Bella is so cute - she is practising standing on her own a lot these days and will stand up in the middle of the room and clap her hands with delight - and to catch my attention. She loves to be walked around with someone holding her hands too. My baby is growing up!!! I'm excited to see my sisters and brother at Christmas and show her off to them. They'll be surprised how she's grown, for sure. Posted by Picasa


Jessie said...

Yay! I am so looking forward to catching up too! I think I'll be getting in sometime on the afternoon of Christmas Eve - my friend Lindi is driving Guy and me down. Glad to hear Lockie is behaving, love that pic of Bella!

ANNA said...

Cheers Jess, that's Bella offering a double high five!

ANNA said...

I love that!!!!