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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Young Stud

The stud I am speaking of is none other than my own little boy. Yes, Lockie has a 'crush' on a little girl in his class at school. Although he'll only admit to being 'best friends', I like to think of it as the beginning of a life-long adoration of the opposite sex. On Sunday night he spent ages making a special card for Holly, and I watched from across the classroom on Monday morning as he gave her the card and she read the message. From memory it was along the lines of "to Holly, you are my best friend, I love playing with you, from Lockie". She seemed quite chuffed and a few other girls crowded around to look at it as Lockie strutted and preened like a peacock. Then on Monday night he was busy for ages making another card "to Holly, You are my best friend, I will never have anuvver best friend, from Lockie" - getting serious now! He lets me read them, in case you were wondering. This evening he made TWO more cards - apparently Holly has indicated she would like 150 cards please. Yikes. Lockie doesn't play exclusively with this lass, he also hangs out with Tom and Raymond from his class. I asked Lockie casually if any 'kissing' went on and he replied that sometimes Tom kisses Rex, and Rex runs away and tells on him. Hmmm. Takes me right back. Fraz likes to boast that he had a girlfriend at 5 too. I vaguely recall having a crush on a kid back then, but I'm pretty sure it was because it was the 'done thing' at the time.

1 comment:

ANNA said...

Actually, Lockie says she may have said '115 cards' and he feels that's acceptable[!] Today at Haydn's house he made another card for Holly, and Haydn made one for his mum! I hpe he doesn't get his heart broken too soon...