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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Waitangi Day tears

'Celebrate NZ' this plum tells me...a freebie at the supermarket this morning, when I was doing an emergency stop for nappies, with Bella, who was wearing her last one. She is crying in this photo because I wouldn't let her have the plum until the picture was taken. Aint I mean. Now it bears several teeth marks, but has since been discarded by the young madam...

Today is officially Lockie's 6th birthday, and it has started well - he is zooming around the house on his new scooter very happily - Bella beware as he can't use the brake yet. I am soon putting her down for a nap and then Locks and I will zip into the city for lunch and a movie, and later Fraz and Bell will train in and meet us at Oriental Bay. Better bloody be sunny, grrrr, unpredictable summer weather...

Anyway, Happy Waitangi Day, Happy Birthday Bob Marley and most of all, Happy Birthday Lockie!!!!! [Although he wasn't actually born until 6:25pm, so I tell him he's not 6 quite yet. This is greeted with typical disdain, as I would only expect from him.]
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Jessie said...

I remember him being born... so glad I was there (down the corridor, at least!)

ANNA said...

Yeah, best place to be, wish I could have been down the corridor too - it was a very invasive and non-private birth!!! Still, good result I feel.

Jessie said...

And that's such a cute crying photo, too x

Unknown said...

I remember his birth all too well! Especially since I saw his arrival firsthand. Anna, am so damn proud of you!! x

ANNA said...

Gee shucks, warm fuzzies again! But it was all out of my control really: just lay there and let the medical staff buzz around me [queen bee-like!].

ANNA said...

And Jess, the tears dried up the minute she got the plum in her little hand!