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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Good News, Bad News

I've had loads of compliments on my weight-loss efforts since school started back this week, and I've caught up with lots of the other mums from school. This is very heartening and made me realise that I can feel motivated to continue when my efforts are validated by others...oh dear, shows how affected I am by my peers' opinions, even at my age... Not that I feel that old of course.

On another subject, I have recently suffered from 4 [yes, that's right, 4] mouth ulcers at the same time. Three of them were in the front of my mouth, below my lower incisors, and they caused exquisite agony whenever I talked, ate, brushed my teeth, kissed or smiled! They seemed to last for far too long - about 10 days - and I even contemplated going to the doctor, but at $62 a visit I decided to suffer [and moan about it] instead. I would have to be near death to justify spending that much money on a doctor's appointment. [Thank you Dad for your offer of help - they're all better now]. Thank goodness the kids only cost around $12. I suppose I do go to the doc about once a year - but only with a long list of complaints, so I feel I am getting my money's worth. I'm not being a miser [really!] but we just can't afford this 'luxury' on a regular basis.

My other whinge today would be about the 22 itchy bites I have somehow sustained over my lower body recently - including a cluster of 12 in the small of my back. I'm a bit concerned that the cat's brought some fleas into the house, but no-one else has bites so maybe I'm just really tasty. A friend has suggested applying some roll-on deodorant to ease the itch, something to do with the aluminium content. I can tell you all it doesn't seem to be working - maybe Rexona is not the right brand...any more bright ideas out there??

Bella is enjoying our twice-daily visits to school. She roams around the classroom in the mornings and today we inadvertently started a impromptu orchestra 5 minutes before the bell rang for the start of school - Bella found the box full of musical instruments and soon other kids drifted over and there were woodblocks tapping, tambourines jangling and triangles tinkling away - we actually missed the school bell ringing with all the racket we were making. Oops, I may get labelled as a troublemaker [for once in my life] even yet.


Jessie said...

Did you try calamine lotion? Anything other than aluminium. I suffered lots of bites one night in Melbourne, and Stacey smeared some kind of lip ointment onto them - I think it worked because I believed it would :)

ANNA said...

OK, except I don't have any calamine lotion :(

I actually believed the Rexona might work...what kind of a fool am I then??!?!

Unknown said...

I got some calamine lotion (with phenol)on a dermatologist's recommendation - she said there's not really much that works better. Only cost $6 for a bottle so go get some! I got over 50 bites on one day a week ago so can fully sympathise with you. Now my flatmate is getting bitten & I'm not...haha

ANNA said...

Thanks Meg, will head off to the pharmacy this morning!!


Jessie said...

Hey, just noticed you've got Bic and Anika listed as favourites - glad you like the albums.

ANNA said...

Love the albums Jess! Great touch to have them autographed too - you rock!