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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Nearly Up & Running

Bella started to walk a few days ago and now staggers and wobbles about the house with glee! We all shout "good girl!" and clap her, especially Lockie.

This morning we walked to the park and fed the ducks nearby, and played on the swings and jungle gym. We took morning tea so we wouldn't be rushed and the weather was sunny and glorious. Aaah, bliss. Lockie asked me when I would have another baby, as he loved to play with babies [and obviously Bella is growing up fast.] His question took me by surprise because he'd never seemed that keen on babies. I pointed out our neighbours were having a baby in a few months, so he could play with it eventually.


Jessie said...

Well done Bella!

ANNA said...

Yeah, it's so cool to see her walking towards me! She gets better every day.

ANNA said...

Yeah, I'm glad you got to see her do that - pity I was at work! Not that I work very much, so the timing was just bad ;(