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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

carrot sticks and water

OK, I've been 'dieting' for a week now and, according to my scales, I have lost about 2.5kg. This feels pretty good, and is to be expected at the beginning, although I would be surprised if it continued to drop off at this rate. The thing that surprises me most is that I am not craving the sugary, fatty foods I am forsaking at all, and am feeling pretty damn virtuous and healthy - all the fruit, veges and copious drinks of water gotta do it!! If ever I get the urge to nibble on a biscuit with the kids or grab a processed snack in a rush, I think for a minute about what this food can offer my body and it's easy to resist after that.

I have joined the gym but have yet to fork out for the membership, and I figure that this pre-Christmas week is too crazy to be starting at the gym properly so I will do all that next week, no really! The people seem nice there and the atmosphere seems friendly - we'll see soon anyway. I figure that there's no point in dropping the weight if I'm still in my usual couch potato mode so I hope to get there at least 3 times each week. A lot will ride on Fraz helping me out in the evenings and I have barely seen him for several days now! Hopefully things will settle down for him at work once the Christmas madness abates.

Lockie's last day of school today, and only a half day at that. So I am mentally preparing myself this morning and enjoying the last morning of calm for a l-o-n-g time. He's a lovely boy but needs a fair bit of maintenance, as 5-year-old kids often do! Bella's not so good at having her naps when he's home too; he's just so darned exciting! Speaking of Bell, she woke me at 5:30am today [yawn] even though it was a great day for sleeping in - rainy and overcast. Must teach her about the weather and staying cosy in bed...

Tomorrow night Meg arrives from Sydney!!!! Can't wait to see her...if you had a twin, you'd understand.

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