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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Super Anna rises from the ashes?

I was telling myself off for not writing in my blog this morning and the thought suddenly [and unrelatedly] came to me that I am very much influenced by books. Maybe I always have been, but lately it's been ridiculous.

Here's an example: I saw a book on 'dejunking and getting rid of clutter' at work, so I took it home and read it and before I knew it I was reserving every book on clutter that the libraries own. I then put their good advice to work and managed to clear quite a bit of clutter from various parts of the house before I got bored with it all.

Then I read the book about Trade Me, and started selling off bits and pieces like a mad woman; all done with that for now thanks, but I was full-on for a month.

My latest discovery is a book called "Body-for-LIFE for Women", by Pamela Peeke. It wasn't the title that drew me in but the awesome before and after photos inside the front and back covers. This woman [a doctor], advocates a 12-week programme of dieting and exercise that transforms your body into a svelte, sculpted and super-healthy marvel. I was feeling pretty unhealthy and low-energy, etc when I spotted this book and now I have read it cover-to-cover and have already made big changes. [Whether I can keep them up is another story but I really want to.] I have changed my eating - no white flour products, or sugar, no junkfood at all, drinking 10 glasses of water each day, wearing a pedometer and trying to increase my steps each day, loads of veges. The tricky times are when I am feeding Lockie his regular diet of high-fat food, and baking bikkies for his school lunches - today I managed to bake our all-time fave choc chip cookies and bought the kids KFC for dinner because I worked and couldn't be fagged cooking - and still I stuck to my sardines, brown rice and salad. And I am joining a gym [applause please, this will be a tough one for me!], I am not sure when I will get to go but want to get there at least 4 times a week and lift weights!! No creche at the local gym so will probably go in the evenings - oh boy.

But I reckon I will be doing my body a huge favour - this book talks of the high rates of heart disease, cancer and diabetes in older adults these days which can all be much reduced with a more healthy lifestyle. Tired of being pear-shaped and not fitting nice clothes too...size 16 is not a good size to be when clothes shopping. Will keep you posted on my successes.

On the family side, Bella was stung by a bumblebee at the caregiver's today - she was really apologetic and called me at work, but Bella seems unaffected [despite swollen pointer finger] and now we know she's not allergic to beestings. Today Lockie brought home his school report for Term 4 [finishes in a few days!] and it reduced me to tears - in a good way. I was just so proud of the little bugger. The teacher's comments were very glowing. She'll be getting a Christmas present from us this year!


Jessie said...

Hey I've stopped eating dairy products, so who knows what we'll manage for Christmas lunch between us!

Ew, brown rice. I haven't managed that one yet. In fact I have almost entirely replaced rice with couscous - not sure of the nutritional value, but it's so incredibly easy to prepare.

ANNA said...

I have yet to spot couscous in the supermarket Jess, and brown rice is sooo much yummier than white so give it a go!

BTW, apparently you only need 1/2 cup cooked rice each day - this is pretty small compared to my 'normal' portion. Yep, Christmas lunch will be very green and healthy I reckon!

Thanks Meg for your kind words ;)