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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Pleasure

This pohutakawa tree [complete with tree elf!] symbolises Christmas in New Zealand for some, but I just think it is a really pretty sight on a hot summers' day.

We had a great Christmas Day, hanging out with my kids, sisters, brother and Dad, giving and receiving gifts, attending a service lead by Dad, eating yummy food we all helped prepare, and generally enjoying ourselves. The weather was perfect and we all behaved ourselves - Bella slept right through Christmas lunch which meant I got to actually eat with the grownups!

On Boxing Day we went to the Jimmy Barnes concert and I experienced time-warp-like feelings seeing many people I had gone to school with nearly 20 years ago and not seen since. There were about 7000 people there apparently which was a small and comfortable number for an outdoor venue. Of course, Jimmy totally rocked the crowd and showed he still had it even though he's over 50. He had 4 of his [grownup] kids onstage with him too, which was a nice touch. He came back for two encores and then we got a call from Dad's house and got home soon after to find Bella bawling her eyes out while Dad and Guy tried to comfort her. She doesn't usually wake before midnight so I hadn't expected this - poor blokes just didn't have what she wanted!
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