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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday already?

What a gorgeous sunny weekend we have had. Now it's Monday again. They keep on happening. But so far so good - Lockie was on best behaviour this morning - he is trying to earn a new book which I have promised him at the end of the week, providing he is good that long! I'm kinda hoping he'll realise that being good has its own rewards e.g. happy Mummy, calm atmosphere at home, more cuddles and less shouting, etc. We'll see anyway... I am prepared for setbacks along the way.

Last week Lockie had his first swimming lesson and all went errr... swimmingly! Bella was interested at the goings-on in the pool too, although not enough to want to get in, which was, for once, a good thing. We are all looking forward to tomorrow's lesson.

Bella had her own 'first' class too - she is a 'Dancing Dot' on a Friday now. It was so cute to see her Incy Wincy Spider-ing and banging drums to a rhythm and shaking shakers, etc. Of the 6 kids her age there, she is the smallest, and [in my humble opinion] the most bold, and naturally musical. Of course, all Mums think this way so never mind me. I was really proud of her though and feel I have her childcare centre to thank for her ability to follow instructions when it comes to action songs. She can fool people who see her small stature and think she is much younger and therefore less capable.

Today at our playgroup I met a man who has bought a house in our neighbourhood and moves in soon. He has a one-year-old son, and his wife works full-time. He's a Brit [there's loads of them at playgroup], and we have several mutual [English] friends. His son has just started to walk and was toddling around the room and landing on his bum frequently. When he ventured near Bella I noticed that they are the same height! We are sorry our old neighbours are moving out but it'll be nice to have fresh faces in our street, even tall people. [I have nothing against tall people and sometimes I put on tall boots and join them!!]

Yawn... another early start for me, so am tempted to have a wee lie-down while Bella is napping. Why not.


Unknown said...

Bella's Dancing Dot class sounds cute as, good for Lockie enjoying his swim lessons too :D

Jessie said...

Love the picture xx

ANNA said...

Yeah, me too. It's my screensaver at the mo, at least 'til I get new batteries for my camera and can snap some more!

CFchampion said...

Do you have CF? just wondering, I have it. Cute girl!!!

Rebecca -story of my life with CF -blog about my life with CF