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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just like Maisy Mouse

Bella loves to brush her teeth in the bath, but only once she's opened her Maisy Mouse book to the right page!

Lockie played soccer on Sunday, for the first time in a month [weather woes,etc] and I nearly wet myself laughing at times! The best bit was when he was goalie and all the action was at the other end of the field, and then a wee voice could be heard asking "can I have a little help here please?" - Lockie had managed to half-collapse the portable goal posts and was trying to hold them up - and then the ball was heading his way! A couple of Dads rushed over to sort it out while I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to stop cracking up. He had a great time, despite the wintry wind and freezing drizzle that was falling. Last weekend he simply refused to go at all, to our horror. Not sure why he changed his mind this week but it could be he couldn't face his parents' ranting and raving about it!
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Unknown said...

what a cute pic! how funny about Lockie & the collapsing goalposts hehehe!

CFchampion said...

Thank you so much for your comment on my CF book blog. I think without me knowing it my parents did the same thing you did. I was just when I was older that it didn't work any longer, I knew it wasn't "normal". I guess the only thing would be to have a way were the kid can talk to someone about how he's feeling about CF.


ANNA said...

Thanks Rebecca, you're right and I hope my son will be able to always talk to us about his Cf and how it feels for him.