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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Yesterday Lockie whispered to me [Bella was in the room too], that he didn't really like Bella at all. I said surely there was one thing he liked about her, but he couldn't think of a thing. What's that about I wonder - how long does the sibling jealousy thing continue? Despite this, he often tells me how cute she is and gives her kisses and hugs, so I'm not too worried. Personally I can't see a thing not to adore about this wee girl! She's been a bit unwell with a tummy bug lately, but is still chirpy and happy mostly [when she stopped vomiting!!]

Have just finished a rather riveting book, if not a grim and ghastly one: 'I Choose To Live' by Sabine Dardenne. She is the 22-year-old survivor of the Monster of Belgium, Marc Dutroux, who kidnapped her at age 12, and kept her as his sex slave in hideous conditions for 80 days, before her rescue. He had previously raped, tortured and murdered several other young girls, with the complicity and full knowledge of his wife... I vaguely remember the media stories about this case, back in 1996. Not a happy book obviously. Makes me want to lock up my children away from harm almost...lucky I'm not the paranoid sort.
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1 comment:

Jessie said...

Love the picture!

Here's a book recommendation, something nice and fictional (although it's based on fact): The Shag Incident by Stephanie Johnson.