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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Grim News

It looks like the end has indeed come for our Hemi... a neighbour called this morning, after Bella and I had dropped off 40 flyers to nearby letterboxes, to say he heard a car brake suddenly a few nights ago and went out to see a man get out of his car and admit to hitting a cat that was crossing the road [by corner of our old street]. They saw the cat limp up the neighbour's driveway - towards our property, but he disappeared from their sight and certainly never made it home... there is a lot of thick bush at the back of our property so he may be in there somewhere.
We are very sad - Fraz and I more so than the kids, as we had Hemi since he was a kitten and he's been with us a long time. We used to joke that he was our first [and hairiest] child.

RIP dear Hems. [Ernest Hemingway S-J!] Condolences welcomed.


Jessie said...

Aw, poor Hemi. My condolences.. now who will the kids harass?

ANNA said...

indeed. Me I guess...

Unknown said...

Arnie rocks on Aud. Poor ole Hemi, he had a good run though (someone has to say it!) x