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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Human Pincushion

Poor Lockie. He's had such a tough day. I arrived with Bella [who shortly after left with Fraz], late morning and Lockie had been nil by mouth since the night before. An ultrasound scan was scheduled for 2pm, after which he would be allowed to eat. Anyone who knows my boy would know that he is not a pleasant person to be around when he is hungry... so, by the time his scan happened [2:45pm...] he was ropeable. Blubbering and threatening to leave, snot everywhere, a real mess, very unhappy and fed up. The scan was pretty interesting - we saw his kidneys, spleen and liver. It only took 10 mins thank goodness, so we then hurried him back to the ward for FOOD! An hour later, his hunger sated, his headache gone, and his physio done, he was a much calmer happier kid. Another drama that occurred during the scan debacle was the attempts to insert an IV shunt - yesterday's one in his hand went bad and further attempts on further veins didn't work, but they finally found a non-collapsing [we hope!] vein in his arm and he didn't actually feel the needle go in. A big sigh of relief went out around the treatment room when it succeeded, biggest of all from Lockie.

Oh, and he no longer has his single room [with bed for Dad] - he's been shifted to a shared room [with 4 other boys], as a sicker child needed his room more. This time there is only an old lazyboy for Fraz to sleep in, so he is going to come home once Locks is sleeping. Hope that works. A real shame that he can't have a parent stay there to comfort him if he wakes in the night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's not good that a 7yr old child had to wait all day for his US, no more than 8hrs fasting is required for abdo US so it should have been done earlier! The poor lad, what a drag about losing the single room too :-( Hope all's well tonight x