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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Happy Hi-5

Bella helped me unpack the groceries the other day and developed a fascination with the pack of bog rolls. She found she could easily drag them around the house, and sit on them when she tired of this. I eventually managed to pry them from her grip but she wasn't too happy about it. Mean ol' Mummy.

We recently went to see the kids' favourite TV performers "Hi-5" in concert.
Somehow we ended up sitting in the very front row, centre stage, just a few feet from the stage! This was great as our tickets were for upstairs in the gallery, but we were told 'go find a seat over there' [pointing towards the front of stage downstairs] when we asked for directions to our seats. Lovely stuff we thought, although I cursed the fact I had left the digital camera in the car as I figured we would be too far from the stage to bother with it... Lockie and Bella loved the show and I enjoyed it too, despite the absence of Kathleen, who was 'a bit unwell'. She was replaced with Noni, who was very good. I wonder though whether Bella just thought it was a particularly large TV screen, rather than real people on a stage. She never said a word to this effect of course, so I shouldn't presume anything.

I admit I was a bit disturbed by the appearance of Charli - she was positively skeletal - her head looked too large for her skinny little body, like a lollipop on a stick... in earlier videos we have, she is the 'fat' one of the group, i.e. has the most normal body shape, but not any more. Must be what marriage has done for her?! She looked happy enough, but she is a role model for young girls...
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ANNA said...

Yeah, Lockie adores Charli [tho no longer admits it for fear of ribbing from Dad...] My silence was more to do with Lockie hogging the computer during the day, and me off to the gym some evenings! School hols go for two more weeks - nearly over just when I am enjoying them! Bah humbug.

Martha Craig said...

I had to have a look at Hi5 this morning to see for myself. Charli looks like a completely different person, positively gaunt.

Unknown said...

We're so eeevil, we didn't mention Hi-5 at all to our girls. And thus we (or more accurately me, as it was my turn to go) didn't have to go.

ANNA said...

Well Alan, that was calculatingly evil! Actually I'll admit it was me pushing to go to the concert... the kids just came along for the ride ;)