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Wanganui, New Zealand
Busy living life in the 'burbs, but is LIFE passing me by? Let's explore that notion...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hello Lilli

Bella is saying Hello to her cousin Lilli, in Boston. Although it was actually late at night in that part of the world and little Lilli was in bed - she's a few weeks older than Bella. Fraz doesn't catch up with his little bro much so this phonecall was a welcome one.

Today I had my Garage Sale. The weather was pretty dreary and it rained on and off all morning. The first punters only arrived half an hour before the advertised time and carted off $40 of stuff straight off so I was happy with that. A friend came over to help me out and Lockie was dropped at another friend's house as Fraz went to work - so it was just the 3 girls doing the biz. Bella pottered around the garage and got a bit underfoot at times - she just said 'sorry' a lot, very cutely, and nobody minded. We must have had at least 70 people come through over the next three hours and sold quite a bit. I made about what I expected, so it was all good. The rest of the stuff will be given to charity next week, and the de-cluttering will be complete! Feels good. Now I just have to go out in the cold to remove the signs I posted around the streets...brrrrrrr.
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Jessie said...

Well done for getting the garage sale organised!

All on for 2 weeks' time - be seeing you on the 6th, I hope? I'll call you soon x

ANNA said...

I'll be there on the 7th Jess. Talk soon xx

Unknown said...

lovin' wee Bella pigtails! and next time we chat I'd like to speak to her too xx

ANNA said...

That would be gr8 Megs, except that we normally chat when she's in bed...